

Welcome to Koalas!

Class Teacher: Mrs Curran

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Hunter

Welcome to Year 2

General Information

Our topic this half-term is ‘Happy me'. In History, we will be discovering all there is to know about houses in Harrogate! We will learn all about the main features of houses and the similarities and differences between different types. In Science we will be looking at animals including humans. We will investigate how animals and humans change as they get older, and what they need to stay healthy.



Home Readers

When you read with your child at home, please write a comment to that effect (or just your initials) in the school planner. Please try and read with your child each day, even if it’s only a couple of pages or for a few minutes, every little helps. We will aim to read with your child at least once a week in school. If your child needs a new book during the week, they can pass their book and planner to Mrs Hunter who will change it for them.


P.E. Days

Koalas will be doing PE on a Thursday.

PE kits will remain in school and be sent home each half term. 



Show and Tell

Children are welcome to bring in an interesting item for show and tell on the following Fridays for this term:


Echidnas : 8.11.24

Emus : 15.11.24

Wombats :  22.11.24

Kookaburras : 29.11.24

Kangaroos :  6.12.24


Exciting Learning Websites

Below are some exciting websites where you can practise your writing and maths skills. 

Autumn 1 

The Koalas have enjoyed creating a healthy eating plate after learning about a balanced diet in our science lessons this half term. They  have created some fantastic writing based on Incredible You and The Day the Crayons Quit in English lessons.  In Maths we have been working on addition including number bonds to 10.  When the weather has been kind to us, we’ve managed to get outside to practice hopping, balancing and different kinds of movements outside for PE.  We loved learning about how to say hello and goodbye in different languages during languages week too.  I think you’ll agree that our portraits based on the style of Romero Britto are coming along nicely and the end results are looking fantastic! 

Pro Bike Workshop 

Welcome to Oatlands Infant School - Please check out our Instagram page at oatlands_infants