
Home School Agreement

The child’s obligations:

  • I will be polite, helpful and kind at all times and show respect to everyone I meet.
  • I will always try my best at school and take pride in my work.


In school I will:

  • Keep to the School’s Golden and Eco-Rules.
  • Be kind, helpful and friendly to other children and all the adults and visitors to the school.
  • Tell a teacher if I see someone being unkind.
  • Keep myself clean and tidy, use the toilet properly and flush it every time.
  • Wash my hands when I have used the toilet and put paper towels in the bin.
  • Always walk inside the school and talk quietly.
  • Look after the school and keep it free from litter.
  • Not play in the cloakroom or climb on the bars and fences.


The school will:

  • Encourage children to do their best at all times and achieve their full potential.
  • Develop children’s confidence and build their self-esteem.
  • Encourage children to take care of their surroundings and others around them.
  • Provide a balanced curriculum and meet the individual needs of children.
  • Arrange homework where this offers the appropriate opportunity for home-learning.
  • Inform parents of children’s progress at regular meetings and through regular written reports.
  • Inform parents about what the teachers aim to teach the children each term.
  • Offer a safe and secure learning environment.
  • Create awareness amongst children of the importance of personal hygiene.
  • Vigorously promote a climate of zero tolerance towards bullying.
  • Be open and welcoming at all times and offer opportunities for parents to become involved in the daily life of the school.
  • Actively promote and encourage the 3-way partnership which this agreement represents.


The family will:

  • Make sure their child arrives at school on time and properly dressed and equipped.
  • Make sure their child attends school and, in the case of absence, telephone school to explain the reason.
  • Notify the school of illness affecting their child or the family of which the school ought reasonably to be aware.
  • Attend Parents’ Evenings held to discuss their child’s progress.
  • Support the school’s policies and guidelines for behaviour.
  • Support their child in homework and other opportunities for home-learning.
  • Encourage their child to read at home through reading books together and listening to their child read.
  • Make the school aware of any concerns or problems that might affect their child’s work or behaviour.
  • Encourage their child to regard school as an opportunity for enjoyment through learning.
Welcome to Oatlands Infant School - Please check out our Instagram page at oatlands_infants