

Welcome to Owls!


Class Teacher: Mrs Brayshaw

Mrs Osman teaches Owls on a Wednesday afternoon

Teaching Assistants: Miss Penn  Monday- Friday AM and lunchtimes 


Our P.E slots are on Tuesday mornings.




Home Readers

Your child will come home with a book that matches their phonic knowledge and a library book. These books will be changed on a Monday. Please listen to, or read to, your child daily and record any reading you do at home in your child's planner. We ask that the children read their books three times to boost their fluency.  The new book is written in their planner and a member of staff will write which aspect of reading we are working on. 



Phonics is taught daily as a whole class and activities are provided to support new learning as well as deepen children's understanding. From January we will be sending  list of common exception words home for you to practise spelling at home. We will then complete a quiz in school each term to check the children’s knowledge of reading and spellings these words.




Handwriting and correct letter formation are an important part of children's literacy skills.  However, there are various ways in which certain letters can be formed.  To help with consistency and in order for you to be able to support your children at home with their handwriting, below is a PowerPoint modelling how we form letters at Oatlands Infants.  The letter 'f' on the PowerPoint isn't quite as we form it in school, therefore also below is an example of how we write it.

Sports Day 2024


We dissected flowers, then put them on bits of paper where we labelled each part.



Maths- Learning about arrays

Science- We are looking forward to watching our sunflowers grow.

Maths - Capacity

Computing -Bee Bots

Unity Day

The Railway Museum

We had such a fantastic time getting the train from Hornbeam Park to York. In the morning we explored The Wonder Lab” and enjoyed exploring the science experiments and investigating the activities. In the afternoon we explored the museum while we did a train hunt. We spotted the train numbers and found out the names of each train. We also saw the Rocket and statue of Robert Stephenson.

World Book Day

Art- Printing

Geography Seasons

D.T - Fruit Kebabs

D.T - Cutting Skills

Today we practises cutting safely using a knife. We made sure to use a safe bridge grip to hold our dough and a safe cutting motion to cut our dough into smaller pieces.

New Books

We have used our PTA donation from the money raised through cake sales to purchase some new exciting books for our classroom. The children have loved reading them this week and found our new Bear and Bird story hilarious this afternoon. 

Christmas Party Day

As part of Maths Week we painted Kandinsky inspired shape pictures, made tangram pictures using shapes and did some addition and subtraction with a children in need theme.

To launch our maths week we have made their own maths in art paintings inspired by the work of Wassily Kandinsky, who was part of the expressionist movement using shapes and colours in his artwork.  

Paired Reading

On Mondays and Fridays we listen to our partners read and help them to recognise any tricky words. Children help each other to follow the text with their phonic fingers and together sound out any unfamiliar words.

We have been practising balancing on one leg. We played pop up pirate with P.E equipment.

English - Verbs

We have been learning about verbs as part of our work in English. To practise recogonising verbs we played Simon Says. 


We have been learning to log on to the computers and have practised our mouse control by drawing pictures.

Science- Learning about my Body


Art - Joiner Pictures

Welcome to Oatlands Infant School - Please check out our Instagram page at oatlands_infants