

Welcome to Owls!


Class Teacher: Mrs Davison

Miss Shaw teaches Owls on a Thursday 

Mrs Kennedy teaches Owls on a Wednesday afternoon

Teaching Assistants: Miss Penn  Monday- Friday AM and lunchtimes 


P.E is on a Tuesday morning



Home Readers


Your child will come home with a book that matches their phonic knowledge and a library book. These books will be changed on a Monday. Please listen to, or read to your child daily and record any reading you do at home in your child's planner. We ask that the children read their books three times to boost their fluency.  The new book is written in their reading record and a member of staff will write which aspect of reading we are working on. 

You can also access a wide range of texts via Collins Hub. 




Phonics is taught daily as a whole class and activities are provided to support new learning as well as deepen children's understanding. From January we will be sending  list of common exception words home for you to practise spelling at home. We will then complete a quiz in school each term to check the children’s knowledge of reading and spellings these words.





Handwriting and correct letter formation are an important part of children's literacy skills.  However, there are various ways in which certain letters can be formed.  To help with consistency and in order for you to be able to support your children at home with their handwriting, below is a PowerPoint modelling how we form letters at Oatlands Infants.  The letter 'f' on the PowerPoint isn't quite as we form it in school, therefore also below is an example of how we write it.




It is important that your child builds their fluency with number and has key facts at their fingertips. Please log in and play Numbots throughout the week. We will be sharing and celebrating the children’s success on this platform. 


Music - Colonel Hathi’s March from the Jungle Book

We listened to Colonel Hathi’s March from the Jungle Book and kept in time with the beat as we marched around the classroom. 

Big RE Day - Buddhism

On Monday 20th January, we celebrated Religious Education across school. Owls learnt about Buddhism and how we can show kindness and care. We also created some stunning artwork. 

A brave group of children shared our learning in assembly. We were so proud of them. 

Collecting sounds from around school

DT Sliders

This week we have learning different ways to make moving pictures. These pictures show the amazing sliders we have made. We also learnt how to make a lever mechanism using a split pin as a pivot point. We are very excited about designing and making our own moving pictures soon. 

Science - Properties of materials

This week in science we have been learning about the properties of materials. We looked at objects and identified the material each item was made from. Then we discussed which properties we could use to describe each item.

Structures Day

We had great fun building 3D structures of podiums for Pudsey to stand on. There were some excellent examples of team work, lots of sharing of ideas and excellent listening.

This week we have been having lots of fun in maths, using art to inspire us to use shapes to create amazing pictures, practise our maths skills using Numbots and making tangram pictures using 2D shapes. 

Maths - Learning to Subtract

We have been using first, then, now stories to show our understanding of subtraction.

Wear it Red Day

Art -Portraits 2

This week we added our facial features onto our self portraits.

Art - Portraits 1

We started our self portraits by choosing the colour nearest to our skin tone and painting a background.


Today we drew around 1 person from our table then labelled the parts of the body we have been learning about.

Computing - Logging on

We learnt how to log onto the computers and practised using the touchpad mouse to move objects around the screen. 

First 2 Weeks Back

The children have settled in nicely to owl class and have been enjoying their lessons. Particular highlights so far have been tasting different flavours in science to learn about our senses, trying out the bikes at the bike workshop and learning to play different playground games in our P.E lesson.  More photos coming soon.

Science- Exploring our Senses

In our science lessons we have been exploring our senses smelling and tasting a variety of scents and tastes. We used our sense of touch to explore hidden items in feely backs. We used our observation skills to play sot the difference and our listening skills to guess sounds. 

Welcome to Oatlands Infant School - Please check out our Instagram page at oatlands_infants