Parents are very welcome to come into school to have a look around prior to making an application. We do not have open days as we consider ourselves an open school and therefore operate an appointment system where you get to meet the Headteacher who will give you a tour of the school and answer any questions you may have. Please contact the school office to make arrangements for such a visit.
Pre-school children are invited into school for a half-day familiarisation visit during the term prior to admission. This visit is very important for the children as it enables them to meet the adults who will be working with them and the other children in their class. Prior to this parents will have been invited to an information evening when they can meet their child’s teacher.
The Reception teachers also visit many of the local pre-schools to enable the children to get to know them before they join our school.
We understand sometimes children need to apply for a school place mid-year, they may be new to the area or wish to request a move to a new school. Dependant on current numbers and spaces within year groups we will always do our best to try and find a place. An in-year application can be made at any time of the year; however you can only apply up to a term in advance of the date you want the school place.
As we are part of a multi academy trust, Yorkshire Causeway Schools Trust is our admission authority, however all admissions are co-ordinated on our behalf by North Yorkshire County Council.
As such applications should be made directly with North Yorkshire County Council. Advice about changing schools as well as details of the process and how to apply can be found here: