
Tree Frogs

Welcome to Tree Frogs!

Class Teacher: Mrs Holly Pennington- Bosah

Teaching Assistant: Miss Nina Russell


General Information

In our school we follow the EYFS curriculum. This emphasises the need for children to learn in an active way through play and practical activities, both inside and outdoors. 


The 7 areas of learning within the Foundation Stage are:

  • Communication and Language (CL)
  • Physical Development (PD)
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)
  • Literacy (L)
  • Mathematics (M)
  • Expressive Art and Design (EAD)
  • Understanding the World (UW)


These areas are covered by:

  • a daily phonics session
  • a daily maths session 
  • daily song and story time
  • weekly topic activities
  • weekly PSHE lesson, following the Jigsaw scheme
  • children have the chance to explore provision opportunities indoors and outdoors every day


If you would like to find out more about our curriculum and long-term themes please visit this page on our website:


We would love for you to get involved in our learning! We will regularly update this page with photographs so you can see what we've been up to. We will also be sharing learning via EvidenceMe - an app where you can share observations between home and school. 




This week we learnt about all the different things we can make with weaving. We identified some woven materials in our classroom and even had a go at our own paper weaving!


This week we have been learning all about how technology works. We have practised using the language of computing to give clear instructions and commands. We explored programming the BeeBots on the iPads and practised our typing skills. In the construction area, we worked in pairs to give and follow instructions. 

Interviewing a Giant!

Still image for this video
This week we have been listening to the story Jack and the Beanstalk! To finish off our week we had a go at hot seating with our favourite characters!


This half term we have been focusing on sculpture and model building as part of our Art. We first built models using our construction equipment, then moved on to designing and building our own transport sculptures using recycled materials!

Welcome to the new Tree Frogs classroom!

We have had so much fun exploring our new classroom! We have so much space to play and learn together. Our new construction area has been a huge hit, Dino World and the fairy gardens took a team of children lots of time and patience to build and create stories within them. A regular timetable of puppet shows have delighted our reading corner, and our creative area has never been busier!


We have spent this half term learning all about different celebrations! We made decorations, sung songs, learned about traditions, and why celebrations are so important. 

Visiting the Library


Today we visited the school library for the first time! We took our time choosing a book that looked interesting so we could take it home for the week. We can’t wait to come back every week!

Class Information


We do PE every Tuesday morning, kits can stay in school for the whole half term and we will send them home for washing in the holidays.


Children receive a new phonics book and library book every Monday. It is easiest to leave all books in children's bag as we will also read with them in school throughout the week. 


Balance Bikes!

This week we had a fantastic time taking part in a balance bike course. We learned how to be safe on our bikes and when riding near other people, we explored how to go faster and slower, and we even got to try out using some obstacles. We had so much fun!

Our First Week!

We have all made a fantastic start to life in Tree Frogs, we are settling into our rules and routines and enjoying exploring our new environment!

Welcome to Oatlands Infant School - Please check out our Instagram page at oatlands_infants