The safety of the children is of paramount importance. It is absolutely essential, if your child is being collected by anyone other than the usual person, that you notify the school by letter or telephone call. Please help us by giving full information.
It is essential that we have correct information in case a child falls ill during the day. If you need to update information about your address, telephone number or emergency contact number, please contact school.
Should your child have an accident in school that we feel requires extra attention, we will do our best to contact you so that you can decide whether or not to take your child to the doctor’s or hospital. If we are unable to contact you, we will take your child to the local accident unit, but will continue to try to make contact with you.
If your doctor has prescribed medicine for your child but they are well enough to return to school, the staff will administer medicines during the school day. An “Administration of Medicines” form, obtainable from the school office, must be completed. It is the parents’ responsibility to ensure that the medicine is brought into the school office in a suitable container and that the medicine is collected at the end of the day.
Parents of children who suffer from asthma are asked to contact the school as soon as possible so that we have full information regarding the appropriate treatment.
Please keep your child at home if you think he/she is infectious. Children must be kept away from school for 48 hours following any episode of diarrhoea or sickness.