"P.E. is not to prepare elite athletes, but it a subject that allows for all children to make progress with content that challenges and allows success. It is a key mechanism for developing self-efficacy and building a legacy of physically active children." - Create Development
At Oatlands Infant School, we believe that physical education is more that just the lessons that children receive within their directed learning time. As our ethos is ‘Nurtured + Inspired = Happy', physical education in its widest sense is a crucial tool in helping us achieve this with all our pupils.
For the school community, our approach is underpinned by the following belief about physical literacy:
"Physical literacy is our relationship with movement and physical activity throughout life." [Sport England]
Each year, all children at our school take part in Sports Day. Supported by Year 5 Sports Leaders from Oatlands Junior School, we try our hand at a whole range of physical activities, from egg and spoon races to super speedy relays! It is a fantastic opportunity for children to develop their teamwork skills and sportsmanship, as well as their personal resilience.
Reception had a wheelie good day during their balance bike workshop in September. It is just one of the many exciting sports themed events that happen throughout the year.
We are very lucky to have a weekly lesson from one of the specialist P.E. teachers at St. Aidan's High School. Every class throughout the year will have the opportunity to be taught by the teacher and sometimes the Sports Leaders.
At Oatlands Infant School we are committed to ensuring all children are equipped with the skills they will need to keep them healthy throughout their lives, both physically and mentally.
During directed P.E. lesson time, we teach using Real P.E. which supports our children to develop motor competence through practising and refining fundamental movement skills. In lessons, children access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination, both individually and with others. They engage in competitive (both against self and others) and cooperative physical activities in a range of increasingly challenging situations. Within lessons, children are encouraged to cultivate other positive learning behaviours such as coaching and supporting others, working as a team and persevering.
In addition to high-quality lessons delivered by Oatlands Infant School staff, P.E. experts from St. Aidan's come in on a fortnightly basis to teach children and provide opportunities for stretch and challenge through core P.E., gymnastics and dance.
At Oatlands Infant School, we see physical activity as more than just directed P.E. lessons. We strive to offer all children plentiful opportunities to engage in physical play, especially at break and lunchtimes. Our provision reflects this, with den-building and constructions, scooters and games all on offer.