

Reading at Home

In each year group, children receive 2 books each week to bring home. For those children who are working through our Phonics scheme, they will bring home a Phonics book which matches their secure Phonics knowledge. We ask that children read this book at least 3 times throughout the week, with the focus solely on reading the words with their Phonics skills. You can find support for Phonics home reading on our Phonics page. Children who are secure in their Phonics knowledge, will instead receive a colour banded reading book. When reading these stories we focus on the fluency of reading and the understanding of the text. 


To support our children in developing a love of reading, we also send home a library book for you to share as a family. There is no expectation for your child to read any of this book independently. This book is for you to enjoy with your child. 



In Year 1 and 2 children will also bring home a termly list of spellings. These spellings are a range of the words from the National Curriculum common exception words, which are not phonetically decodable words but are very common in the English language. We give the children the whole term to practise these at home as well as the additional practise they take part in in school, before an informal spelling quiz. 

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