"Inclusion is the celebration of diversity put into action." - Susan Sandall and Ilene Schwartz
At Oatlands Infant School we foster a nurturing, respectful and positive culture that supports all children in reaching their potential by adapting teaching and removing barriers to learning, while forming trusting relationships with each individual child.
We have high expectations and encourage and celebrate the achievements of children of all abilities. Through responding flexibly to each child's needs, we aim to make the curriculum accessible for all by assessing pupils carefully, planning well-thought activities and interventions, along with deploying support staff accordingly.
Our vision is for children who attend Oatlands Infants to feel inspired, included and valued in a calm and caring environment.
If your child seems to be having difficulties with their learning, your child’s teacher will discuss this with you. Equally, should you have concerns about your child's learning then please do not hesitate to contact their class teacher. As a school we strive to identify children's additional needs as early as possible in their school life to give them the greatest chance of reaching their potential. Your child will be supported with their work either in the class or by extra support in small groups or on an individual basis with one of our teaching assistants. We aim for our children to be fully included in whole-school activities.
Our Deputy Headteacher (Miss Shaw) is our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) and is able to advise and support parents and staff. We also work in partnership with other agencies who support children who may have particular needs.
Oatlands Infant School SEN Policy can be found below.
The local offer provides information for children and young people with special educational needs (SEND) and their parents or carers in a single place.
Our school has a comprehensive equality scheme. We work closely with parents to ensure the needs of all individuals are met. We strive to provide appropriate arrangements to enable learners to access all aspects of school life.
Oatlands Infant School Equality Scheme along with our Accessibility Plan can be found below.
Below are some links to other websites which have information on autism. We have also included some Whole School Provision Maps which outline the types of provision on offer in each of the areas of SEND.