
Eco Club

Nurtured + Inspired = Happy

Here at Oatlands Infant School we are passionate about Nurturing our world, Inspiring others to care for the world in order to make it a Happier place for all living creatures. 


At Eco Club, we work hard to do our bit to make our world a better place. 

What we have been up to? 

In our first meeting we introduced ourselves and then talked about the purpose of our team.  We looked at the book 'The Rewilding Manual for Schools' by Lesley Malpas.  Next, we started a baseline survey of our outdoor areas.  The team took notes, photographs and drew pictures.  A very successful first meeting! 


In our second meeting we talked about sustainability and recycling.  We decided to hold a World Book Day costume swap.  We made posters to advertise the initiative to our classes.  Children can bring in any unwanted World Book Day costumes between Monday 19th and Friday 23rd February.  Then on Monday 26th February the Eco-Council will have a stall, after school, with all of the second-hand costumes on.

Bug Hotel


World Earth Day, 2024

We celebrated World Earth Day by making some wild flower seed bombs.  We are hoping to plant them in our new Community Garden!

Welcome to Oatlands Infant School - Please check out our Instagram page at oatlands_infants